Monday, February 18, 2008

Time Travel

Time travel and time paradoxes are themes often used in action movies. These movies are challenging for both the makers of the movie and for the audience. The writers and producers must create a film that stretches the imagination without being completely ridiculous and the audience must be able to suspend their disbelief in order to view the film without pointing out every detail that does not add up. Terminator 2 is a prime example of a film which tests the audience’s ability to buy into an outrageous plot which concerns numerous time paradoxes.
Sarah Conner and two robots are sent back in time to rescue John Conner, a future military leader. However the actions done during the film do not seem to change the future. Why don’t both of the terminators and John disappear instantly when Miles, the creator of the technology used to build the robots, and his inventions are destroyed? Does that then suggest that other inventors go on to create new technology to build the robots, and, if so, why doesn’t Sarah know about these inventors? This unchanging outcome suggests that the message Sarah wrote on the picnic table, “No fate” is, in fact, false and no matter what she or John do in the time period of this film, nothing will alter the events that are to come in the future. Upon learning this they should have both sat back and relaxed for the time being because the future is apparently inevitable. The only thing they can worry about right now is killing the evil robot that is indestructible, except for when it comes to extremely hot temperatures.

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